What do you do if, while applying for or maintaining your AEO license, you discover that you need extra support? Right, you'll call Pincvision. We help you with (re)writing and reviewing AO/IB (Administrative Organization and Internal Controls), procedures, performing internal controls, applying for permits and reporting to Customs. By handing over these obligations to our customs specialists, who have years of experience in this field, you will save a lot of valuable time.
Horizontal Monitoring
Do you have a covenant 'Horizontal Monitoring' with the Tax authorities/Customs on top of your AEO license? But do you notice that you cannot give the needed priority to maintain your Customs Control Framework, for example due to a lack of capacity or knowledge within your organization?
This can also be monitored by Pincvision. The expectations of Customs for Horizontal Monitoring are similar to those of AEO. But for Horizontal Monitoring, it's even more important that the internal control measures and the corresponding monitoring are properly arranged.
As with AEO support we help you with Horizontal Monitoring with (re)writing and reviewing AO/IB, procedures, performing internal controls, applying for permits and reporting to Customs.
AEO officer
The AEO activities are usually monitored by the AEO officer within companies. Is the AEO officer within your organization on temporarily leave or do you lack the right capacity to fulfill all agreements made with Customs? If so, be aware that you run the risk of your license(s) being revoked when Customs carries out an audit. You already risk this if no or insufficient maintenance, such as internal controls, has taken place. Prevent this situation and be assured that agreements with Customs are complied with: Let Pincvision arrange this for you. Read here more about our Interim Customs Support services.
Additional Pincvision AEO services
- AEO scan
- Apply for AEO-license
- AEO support
- AEO monitoring