
French eInvoicing and e-reporting

Following the successful introduction in France of the B2G (Business to Government) eInvoicing in 2022, France is now heading for the implementation of eInvoicing and e-reporting for specific B2B and B2C transactions.

The benefits for the French tax administration are better targeting of tax audits, VAT fraud prevention, facilitate pre-filling and better knowledge of the economy. eInvoicing in France will become mandatory for B2B domestic transactions, e-reporting will be required for B2B non-domestic transactions and B2C transactions and there will be a data payment reporting requirement for specific supply of services.


eInvoicing will be mandatory when:

  1. Supplier is a taxable person established in France
  2. Buyer is a taxable person established in France
  3. Transaction is liable to French invoicing rules

E-reporting will be mandatory in case of B2B non domestic transactions:

  1. Between two taxable persons, one is not established in France; or
  2. Transaction liable to VAT in France between two taxable person not established in France

E-reporting will be mandatory in case of B2C transactions:

  1. Supplier is established in France; or
  2. Supplier is not established in France but has VAT obligations in France and has not opted for OSS

The data transmission for these transactions will be identical to the eInvoicing process. The list with 24 data requirements.

Information on the moment when the VAT is paid needs to be reported for supplies of services when VAT is chargeable at time of payment.


The requirement to receive eInvoices will be mandatory for all companies as from July 1, 2024, for issuance of invoices this will be:

  • Large companies (over 5000 employees, turnover of 1,5 billion Euro)
    July 1, 2024
  • Medium size companies
    January 1, 2025
  • Remaining SME's
    January 1, 2026

Please contact us in case you require more details or wish to discuss our service offering in this respect.

26 May 2022 at 11:39 am
2 min
Published by:
Daniëlle van der Meulen-Idema
Sr. VAT Specialist
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